Assistant Professor


Position: Assistant Professor
Degree: Candidate of Technical Science
Room: 403
Phone: (044)259-05-34
Research interests: information technologies, fuzzy linear programming problems


1. Ivokhin E.V., Biryukov D.V., Makhno M.F. Making Real Time Bidding Solution for Video ADS. Proc. оf IEEE IV Intern. Conf. on Advanced Trends in IT (ATIT),2022, Kiyv, Ukraine, 15-16.12.2022. P.319-322. 

2. Ivokhin E.V., Ajubey L.T., Naumenko Yu.O. , Makhno M.F. Оn one approach to using of fractional analysis for hybrid modeling of information distribution processes. Системні дослідження та  інформаційні технології, 2021. - №4. – С.128-137. 

3. Oletsky A.V., Makhno M.F. On the improvement of the level of adequacy of the results of the evaluation of educational projects based on the parametric relaxation of the method of paired comparisons. Problems of management and computer science. – 2021. – No. 1. - P.122-121.

4. Ivokhin E.V., Ajubei L.T., Vavryk P.R. , Makhno M.F. On some methods for solving the problem of power distribution of data transmission channels taking into account fuzzy constraints on consumption volumes. Системні дослідження та  інформаційні технології, 2022. - №4. – С. 88-99.