Kostiantyn A. Zhereb


Position: Assistant
Degree: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Science
Title: Researcher
Room: 607
Phone: 259-05-11
Research interests: parallel computing, automated and semi-automated program transformation, software development processes


  1. P. Protsyk, K. Zhereb A Criteria-Based Approach to Classifying Traceability Solutions // Proceedings of 5-th East West Design & Test Symposium (EWDTS'07), Yerevan, Armenia, September 7-10, 2007, pp. 622-628.
  2. P. I. Andon, A. Yu. Doroshenko, K. A. Zhereb Programming high-performance parallel computations: formal models and graphics processing units // Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 2011, Volume 47, Issue 4, pp. 659-668.
  3. A. Doroshenko, K. Zhereb An Approach to Parallelizing Fortran Programs using Rewriting Rules Technique // Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications: Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer, Kherson, Ukraine, June 6-10, 2012, pp. 112-120.
  4. I. Lihatsky, A. Doroshenko, K. Zhereb A Template-Based Method to Create Efficient and Customizable Object-Relational Transformation Components // Information Systems: Methods, Models, and Applications, Volume 137 of the series Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Springer, 2013, pp. 178-184.
  5. A. Doroshenko, K. Zhereb Parallelizing Legacy Fortran Programs Using Rewriting Rules Technique and Algebraic Program Models // Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications, Volume 347 of the series Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, 2013, pp. 39-59.
  6. A. Doroshenko, K. Zhereb, O. Yatsenko Developing and Optimizing Parallel Programs with Algebra-Algorithmic and Term Rewriting Tools // Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications, Volume 412 of the series Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, 2013, pp. 70-92.
  7. A. Y. Doroshenko, K. A. Zhereb, O. G. Beketov, M. V. Gnynjuk Modeling system for GPU parallel tasks performance simulation // Proceedings of International Conference "High Performance Computing" HPC-UA'2013, Kyiv, Ukraine, October 7-11, 2013, pp. 118-124.
  8. P. A. Ivanenko, A. Yu. Doroshenko, K. A. Zhereb TuningGenie: Auto-Tuning Framework Based on Rewriting Rules // Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications, Volume 469 of the series Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, 2014, pp. 139-158.