Cybernetics Faculty SP is the highest executive unit of student self-government at the faculty. It consists of students from the faculty and can formally represent the position of cybernetics collective in various fields of educational activity. The Student Parliament takes part in organizing and conducting various activities which are intended to promote the educational, scientific, community, sports and creative events.
The purpose of Cybernetics Faculty SP activities is:
- assistance in students' self-realization and formation of organizational skills, leadership qualities, responsibility for the results of their work;
- improvement of educational process, research work;
- increase of social activity among student youth;
- providing spirituality education, students culture;
- leisure and everyday life organization.
The main tasks of Cybernetics Faculty SP are:
- protection of rights and interests representation of students and graduate students in relations with the administration, public organizations, state units;
- promotion of students' educational, scientific and creative activity;
- promoting the creation of various student groups, societies, associations, interest clubs and coordinating their activities;
- provision of informational, legal, psychological and other help to students ( in collaboration with the relevant departments of the Faculty, the University), representation in the collegial, representative, working, advisory units of the Faculty and their structural subdivisions;
- organization of cooperation with students of other universities and youth organizations;
- promoting employment of students;
- establishing contacts with student self-government units of other faculties, universities of Ukraine and other countries.
The Student Parliament was created by direct representative democracy with delegates from all academic groups. In its work SP is guided by the Student Self-Government Regulations at the Cybernetics Faculty of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University and other normative legal acts.
Cybernetics Faculty SP departments:
- educational and scientific;
- sports and tourism;
- informative;
- informative;
Scientific society of Cybernetics Faculty students is a voluntary association of the Computer Science and Cybernetics Faculty students and postgraduate students, which promotes the development of science and the emergence of interest in scientific work in the youth environment of the faculty.
The purpose of the Scientific society activity is:
- creation of conditions for discovering the scientific and creative potential of Computer Science and Cybernetics Faculty students and postgraduate students, development their scientific thinking and research skills;
- promoting physical, mathematical and technical sciences at the Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics and beyond;
- development of innovative activity;
- organizing and conducting various scientific events.
Society objectives:
- involvement of undergraduate and graduate students studying in the Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics in research work;
- support students and graduate students of the Faculty of Cybernetics and provide them with comprehensive assistance in scientific activities;
- facilitating the development of cooperation between students, graduate students and scholars of various higher education institutions of Ukraine and other countries;
- organization of various scientific events;
- informing undergraduate and graduate students of the Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics about competitions for scholarships and grants, exchange programs and internships;
- nomination of the best students and postgraduate students of the Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics for awards, grants and scholarships;
- implementation of other activities that meet the set goals and do not contradict the documents governing the activities of the Scientific society of Cybernetics Faculty students.
Scientific society of Cybernetics Faculty students projects:
The Scientific Society is engaged in scientific-organizational, informational and intellectual-entertaining activity, bringing to life interesting and actual projects for students.
Major projects:
- Theoretical and applied aspects of cybernetics -
International scientific conference of students, graduate students and young scientists, which is held annually at the Faculty of Cybernetics of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev Scientific Society of students and graduate students. This conference brings together areas such as computer science, applied mathematics, artificial intelligence, and software engineering.
- Shevchenko Spring — International scientific conference of students, graduate students and young scientists, held annually at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, since 2003. This conference brings together the various fields of science represented by the relevant sections and subsections. The Scientific Society organizes and conducts the Cybernetics section.
- Student sympathy — an anonymous sociological survey of students of the Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics, to evaluate the attitude of the student masses to the process of teaching at the faculty. The purpose of the surveys is to identify and remedy the shortcomings of the educational process.
- Cyb4U — is the blog of the NTSA Faculty of Cybernetics. An informative online resource designed to provide useful and interesting information about the life of the faculty for students, students and graduate students in an accessible and comprehensible form. The blog pages contain information about the peculiarities of studying at the Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics, directions of scientific research, accommodation in a hostel, organization of leisure.
- — site of NTSA Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics. With constant support and updates, the site is filled with information that may be of interest to students and graduate students of the Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics.
In addition, NTSA FC organizes various events, such as open lectures, round tables; assists and conducts the first stage of the Victor Pinchuk Foundation's scholarship program "Tomorrow.UA", holds presentations of departments for students of the Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics.
The organization is not divided into departments or departments. However, a number of tasks are assigned to each participant. The tasks can be short-lived, ie, take several weeks or months to complete, and require constant systematic completion. NTSA members are assigned tasks in accordance with their wishes, interests and capabilities. All members of the company participate in the development or implementation of a particular project.
The trade union — is a united organization of employees and students of the University. It is the only non-governmental organization in Ukraine that has a strong legal framework to address various issues that may arise throughout the University.
The student union of students of the Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics is a structural unit of the Primary Trade Union Organization of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
Composition of the Trade Bureau of the Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics:
- Oleksandr Bliznyuk - Head of the Trade Union Office of Students of the Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics
- Alex Nishchik - Deputy Head of the Students' Trade Union Bureau
- Xenia Baranova is the secretary of the student union
- Andrey Kysilevsky is the social department responsible for travel tickets
- Magpie Eugene - Tourism Department
- Vasylenko Oksana - cultural and art department
- Elena Polyakova - Information Department
- Domnenko Bogdan - 1st year union rep
- Dmitriy Tkachuk - 2nd year union rep
- Kateryna Martemyanova - 3th year union rep
- Katerina Krasovskaya - 4th year union rep
- Solomianyuk Inga - 5th year union rep
The dormitory of the faculty has been assigned the number 16 among other dormitories of the University. Today it is a home for more than 600 undergraduate and graduate students.
The dormitory is located at Sechenova 6 st., which is near the Vasylkivska station, so it allows you to get to almost any place of Kyiv.
The building of the dormitory was built in the 70's of the last century. The planning of the building involves the presence of two parts connected by a capital crossing. The building is nine-storey, 9 blocks on each floor, 3 of them are four-room, 5 are two-room, 1are three-room. In addition, there are 2 kitchens and 2 laundry and drying rooms on each floor.
The dormitory has a gym where students can play sports in their free time. There is a piano in the lobby of the dormitory.
To provide access for students to control discipline in the dormitory, there were created and actively works Student Council.
Thus, non-resident students of Taras Shevchenko Kiev National University have been provided with all conditions for comfortable living, study and rest.
- Address: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, dormitory № 16, 03127 Ukraine, Kyiv, st. Sechenova 6.
- Phone: 38 (044) 257-20-67
- Web: