Посада: | професор |
Науковий ступінь: | доктор фізико-математичних наук |
Звання: | професор, член-кореспондент НАН України |
Аудиторія: | 709 |
Телефон: | 259-05-20 |
E-mail: | |
Наукові інтереси: | теорія статистичних рішень, методи стохастичної оптимізації, теорія оптимального керування стохастичними системами |
1. Atoyev K., Knopov P., Pepeliaev V., Kisala P, The mathematical problems of complex systems investigation under uncertainties. Recent advanced in information technology, ed. Waldemar Wojcik & Jan SikoraPublished by CRC Press/Balkema Schipholweg 107C, 2316 XC Leiden, The Netherlands 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK.
2. Yu. Ermoliev, T. Ermolieva, T. Kahil,M. Obersteiner, V. Gorbachuk, P. Knopov. On stochastic optimization models for risk-based reservoir management. Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 2019, v.55, №1, p. 68-79.
3. P.S.Knopov, E.J.Kasitskaya Large Deviations of Empirical Estimates in the Stochastic Programming Problem with Nonstationary Observations and Continuous Time. Cybernetics and Systems Analysis,2019,v 55, ,№1,p.772-777.
4. Knopov P.S., Korkhin A.S. Method for constructing regression with switching in continuous time with unknown switching points. Cybernetics and system analysis, No. 6, 2020, pp. 82-96.
5. P.S.Knopov, E.J.Kasitskaya.Consistancy and properties of large deviations of empirical estimates in stochastic optimization problems for homeogeneous and homogenous observations. Cybernetics and Systems Analysis,2021,№1 , pp.16-29.
6. Knopov, P.S., Samosonok, O.S. &Bila, G.D. A Model of Infectious Disease Spreadwith Hidden Carriers. Cybernetics and Systems Analysis. 2021, vol. 57(4), pp. 647-655.
7. P. S. Knopov, E. J. KasitskayaLarge Deviations of Empirical Estimates in the Stochastic Programming Problem for the Homogeneous Random Field with a Discrete Parameter, CyberneticsandSystemsAnalysis. 2021, vol. 57(5),P 704-713.
8 Knopov P.S., Norkin Stochastic Optimization Methods for the Stochastic Storage Process Control. In: M. J. Blondin et al. (eds.), Intelligent Control and Smart Energy Management, Springer Optimization and Its Applications 181, 79-111. Springer Nature Switzerland AG (2022).
9. Bogdanov, O.V., Knopov, P.S. Stochastic Models in the Problems of Predicting the Epidemiological Situation. Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 2022, 58(1), P. 58–64.
10. T. Ermolieva , P. Havlik , S. Frank , T. Kahil , J.Balkovic , R. Skalsky , Y. Ermoliev , P. Knopov , O. Borodina and V. Gorbachuk A Risk‐Informed Decision‐Making Framework for Climate Change Adaptation through Robust Land Use and Irrigation Planning, Special Issue "Modeling and Managing Catastrophic Risks in Heterogeneous Systems" 2022,14(3),1430, P. 14.
11 P. S. Knopov, T. V. Pepelyaeva Some Multidimensional Stochastic Models of Inventory Control with a Separable Cost Function. Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 2022, № 4 P. 523 – 529.
12.Knopov, P.S., Korkhin, A.S. Dynamic models of epidemiology in discrete time taking into account processes with lag/International Journal of Dynamics and Control, International Journal of Dynamics and Control. 2023-03-03. Journal article DOI: 10.1007/s40435-023-01135-3.
13.Knopov P.S. Optimization and Identification of Stochastic Systems. Cybernetics and Systems Analysist, 2023, 59(3), p.375–384.
14. Ermolieva, T., Ermoliev, Y., Havlik, P., Knopov, P.S., Wang, G. Connections between Robust Statistical Estimation, Robust Decision-Making with Two-Stage Stochastic Optimization, and Robust Machine Learning Problems, Cybernetics and Systems Analysist, 2023, 59(3), p.385–397